You can reach us at the contact details below.
Hans Broekhuisen
P.C. van den Brinkweg 1a
Laren, Nederland
+31 681015156

Hans Broekhuisen - Partner Apriori.
During his career in banking and FinTech of more than 30 years, he has gained in-depth knowledge on the function of risk management in financial services.
Prior to assuming this role, Hans held leadership positions in risk management at leading commercial and investment banks as well at FinTech's.
He held positions as Chief Risk Officer of DSB in Suriname, Ahli Bank in Qatar, VP bank in Vietnam, Vice President and Chief Risk Officer of RBS (Romania) S.A., and Chief Risk Officer at ING Romania and ING Czech Republic.
Hans is co-founder of Facturenbeurs, a Fintech platform in Surinam and was involved in the set-up of a FinTech platform in Indonesia.
During his career Hans professionalized risk management teams, restructured risk organizations, implemented risk (ERM) frameworks and de-risked banks’ corporate and retail lending portfolios.